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Earth examination

Karin And David Henderson

Way Of 21362 Rivers

Song Of The Maple, B.C.

Canada V2X 2B3

604-463-8666 (PST)

Earth examination

Earth examination | Earth examination | Earth examinationInformation Of the System Of the Disease De Meniere | Questions Of the Disease De Meniere | Suggestions Of The Site | Éntrenos in contact with | Map De Sitio | Which is new in ca of the disease of Meniere | History De David | History De Debbie | History De Michael | More Histories Of The Success
Caretaker | Samples And Symptoms | Vertigo | Vertigos | Nausea | Humming | Loss De Oi'do | Diagnosis
| Tests Of diagnosis For the Symptoms Of the Disease De Meniere | Treatment | Curativo Process | What We tried |  Sites Of the Disease De Meniere |  Quarters Of the Char it Of the Disease De Meniere |  Karin And David |  Information Of the Health | Articles Of the Disease De Meniere  

The Disease De Meniere And What Helped?
What Finally Worked
What We tried
Information Of the System Of the Disease De Meniere
FREE bulletin of the news Of the Disease De Meniere
Histories Of the Success Of the Disease De Meniere
History De David
History De Debbie
History De Michael
More Histories Of The Success
Porqué We are Different
Disease De Meniere
Which is disease of Meniere?
Disease of Meniere in detail
Samples and symptoms of the disease of Meniere
Loss De Oi'do
Curativo Process
Disease and the inflammatory process of Meniere
Tests Of diagnosis For the Symptoms Of the Disease De Meniere
Questions Of the Disease De Meniere
Info site Of the Disease De Meniere
Archives Of the Bulletin of the news Of the Disease De Meniere
Map De Sitio De De Meniere
Which is new in ca of the disease of Meniere
Sites Of the Disease De Meniere
Quarters Of the Char it
Information And Articles
Articles Of the Disease De Meniere
General articles Of the Health
On Us
Karin And David
Éntrenos in contact with
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Email And Telephone #


Disease De Meniere That approaches Positively.

Disease and the classic symptoms of Meniere that understands of the disease of Meniere: Vertigos, vertigo (or disease of the vertigo), pressure of the internal oido one, humming, and loss of ear."



My husband has disease of Meniere and he says, "some days, life just were not worthy to live"  If you have this condition, or if you know to any person who has this horrible condition, I bet that also they feel like that one. David still has Meniere, but it has not more of length the symptoms that made their life occasionally so unbearable


Dear Reader

This Web site has the information and resources of the disease of Meniere to help to understand him to which you go to traverse with this terrible condition. We joined this site of the personal experience of the suffering of David with the disease of Meniere. Also we did many of investigation to help us to explain the disease of Meniere and is symptoms. We discovered that there were no many of positive information on them in the Internet, so we decided to share our knowledge and devises with others affected by the disease of Meniere. It is our goal to help to people with the disease and its associated symptoms of Meniere of:

  • Vertigos

  • Vertigo (Disease Of The Vertigo)

  • Loss De Oi'do

  • Pressure Of The Internal Oido

  • Humming

  • Nausea

Like nurse medical instructor, I have seen people with the years of the cost of the disease of Meniere (designated sometimes disease of the vertigo) that looked for the relevación of this unforseeable torment. And he is even worse to watch this to happen somebody near you. The disease of Meniere is not right a condition for the patient. It affects whole family. So when my husband began to obtain the relevación, so. We felt that the LIFE is quite wonderful! And several years it advanced more, the things continue being like this... quite wonderful. Now also we have learned an enormous amount on this condition and are watching in some possible causes of the disease of Meniere.

This Web site was created from two perspective: from of Meniere of the disease the family of the victim the point of view and then. Each section provides brief descriptions of diverse subjects. It is not our attempt to reconstruct no documents medical. In our investigation we came through many articles deepened excellent on the disease of Meniere, flood of medical slang. The problem was that I had to spend the time "that deciphered" the medical terminology. I suspect that it is a challenge for can others.  We joined this Web site to simplify the slang and to do it easier to understand the disease of Meniere for the reader not-doctor.

The letters that we received are obvious by of the people who are looking for aid and the aid. People do not look for generally the Internet for the disease or the symptoms of the vertigo and the symptoms of Meniere of the vertigos, the sudden falls, auditory loss the ear, etc., without a very good reason. Then it wishes this information quickly, without complicated language... without confused orations. Or using the words that require a dictionary.

It is not sometimes easy to obtain a clear understanding of what she is happening in our body. Like clinical instructor, it is my work to clarify such these ideas, treatments, and procedures. Often if somebody has a better understanding of porqué its body is behaving of certain way, it can accept it or find a diverse way to do in front. At least it has some options.

Also we thought that the disease of Meniere must "demystified". It is a quite common system of symptoms, and people must know on them and what she can make to help they themselves. (an episode of the disease of Meniere in public absolutely causes a scene.) Vario million people of in North America suffers of the symptoms that are said to above make for the definition or the diagnosis of the disease of Meniere (vertigos, vertigo, internal pressure del oido, humming, and the loss of ear.) That means that many, many families are affected by this problem. Can you imagine to all that people plus your families who try to live the normal lives with the disease on Meniere?

Our life is representing pretty of each one with the disease of Meniere. We felt that our experiences are there to provide the additional penetration. Personally handling the thousands of email and telephone calls of the victims of the disease of Meniere, I have found so many commonalties, that it is hour to speak outside on of them.

Like human beings, we have many of capacity. Our brains as soon as they often need to be exposed to diverse concepts. Then our creative juice assumes the control and we come for above with very attainable and practical ideas. Also it helps us to behind take the control from our lives.

We have had east Web site for above from April of 2001. Through all this time, very we have been privileged to satisfy and to work with many, much people whom the disease of Meniere families have affected. And in 2002 July, the American medical association sent a declaration that recognized the paper of nutritional supplements in the revocation or the prevention of degenerativas conditions in adults.

Now finally, the medical community is recognizing the value of the nutritional supplements for the prevention of the disease. Or more exactly, allowing than his immune system he is enough healthy to handle possible problems. And if "the optimal" amounts of "balanced and finish" nutritional supplements can be considered to prevent this class with thing, it would not be an idea to try it?

The term "degeneration" is defined as the gradual deterioración of normal cells and functions of the body. That explains the disease of Meniere to me. to you? Its ear worked pleasant and now with a certain occurrence, it is not. It is to say the function of the ear is deteriorating gradually or suddenly. A thing that encounter in my calls is that little looks like to compare the balance and the internal oido one. Its internal oido has TWO nerves: not as soon as the nerve of the hearing. And the balance (vestibular) is so important right as the hearing (the acoustics). In fact, if it had an option, it would choose a healthy nerve of the balance on a hearing heals one. It would mean the situation for above without loosen my balance, and perhaps not hearing very well. A personal option for insurance, but you knew him you had these two nerves?

If you to date wanted to be continued in them, subscribes please to our bulletin of the news. If you wanted a copy of these news sends on the recognition of the American medical association, please email we.  Also we will add a glossary soon: it will help with descriptions of terms more doctors for the victims of the disease of Meniere.

If you called something and spoke with us on your referring preoccupations to your experiences with the disease of Meniere, we would very please ourselves to speak with you. Always we are arranged to share our information and experiences of the disease of Meniere. We can be reached in 604-463-8666 (zone of Pacific time)


Thanks to take the time to visit our Web site.


Disease De Meniere | What Worked | Porqué We are Different |  Information Of the System Of the Disease De Meniere | Questions Of the Disease De Meniere | Suggestions Of The Site | Éntrenos in contact with | Map De Sitio | Which is new in ca of the disease of Meniere | History De David | History De Debbie | History De Michael | More Histories Of The Success
Caretaker | Samples And Symptoms | Vertigo | Vertigos | Nausea | Humming | Loss De Oi'do | Diagnosis
| Tests Of diagnosis For the Symptoms Of the Disease De Meniere | Treatment | Curativo Process | What We tried |  Sites Of the Disease De Meniere |  Quarters Of the Char it Of the Disease De Meniere |  Karin And David |  Information Of the Health | Articles Of the Disease De Meniere  

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