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                         It inclines In How Having A Healthy Heart    heart-disease
heart-disease     If an apple to the day maintains absent doctor, what would take to avoid a surgeon of the heart?  You would believe a good vitamin + mineral supplement + the oil some Omega-3 (canola-rabina, linen, fish)?  Naturally add a diet above in fiber but low point in processed food and hard fats hidrogenación, and maintain a good form of life (in this order : 1. does not smoke, the size of the waist of 2, controls, 3, handle the affluent tension, 4. a certain exercise), and you will improve your general health and will come up or help cardiac disease.

heart-disease     This Web site watches the side of the food, the supplement and the prevention of the picture.  The medicine nutrition is my long term interest, not my work, so this site does not generate the money or the sale any thing.  Here they are the extremities and the ideas that must, with little effort, to raise its health, its ' distance of enfermedad'.

heart-disease    Science demonstrates that a heart diet heals is one with foods relatively without processing, with the veggies and the fruits, and with rice or the grains that conserve much of their original structureof the nucleus.  Such ' whole ' foods got to be little in western diets.  If you cannot recognize the part of the original food, she is processed or the article is refined.  Some fresh eggs, liver or fish are probably also vital stops most of us.

heart-disease    In the transformation of foods, like a doing tallarines or the flour, we lose 60 to 95% of most of healthy foods of the heart.  Also the plant structure is lost , its ' integrities that the digestion slows down.  The hidrogenación first and first industrialists zaps the oil Omega-3, think about him like F-3 vitamin, and returned he in the toxic fat from the transport.


Why a pill of the multi-vitamin of the addition to its diet?  Well, most of the single diseases fast temporarias nutrients they have taste of escorbuto, the beriberi and the goiter were cleaned towards outside by the food fortification but not so the long term and multiple deficiencies.  Foods process, low in many foods, like the vitamins B6, B12, acid folic and others, cause ' diseases of deficiency of Largo-Estado latenté, for example cardiac disease , cancer , loss of the bone and Alzheimer .  Suddenly think about these as deficiency diseases nutrients with ' long periods of the incubation and the sense of the marks of science!  Beginning with the cholesterol the marks of science never they detect (his doctor can explain 6ta figure of the bottom).

Whereas the investigation is in course and each food is not good for each one, this site is only one evaluation of the investigation of the prevention to date but with a nutritional diagonal.  The idea is HITMNS health ": It is Microalimentos, Stupid!" [ and only then the economy ]
Most of the scientists they agree that almost nobody has optimal levels of many dominant foods and that multia vitamin + mineral supplement flood many such openings.  heart-disease Premium: a high dose multi is the only therapy to lower homo-cysteine, a slow poison that corrodes our proteins of always structural now related on a 100 diseases.  A bottle of 6 months that is multis of the no iron without the socket of the boy-test, he is that strong box!  The evidence for the advantage is massive and pennies per day.

Even in health, multi plus foods and the supplements for a daily product is science excellent to take such from the total at least of vitamin C of 1 gram, 1,2 calciums of g, 600 magnesiums of magnesium, 1200 IU (30 mscg) D (when not obtaining the suitable sun), near 200 IU and'mixed ' in a food with the fat and the selenium of 200msc g [ the test pattern of great multi. ]

heart-disease heart-disease
      The good news are that Omega-3 are important subsidies by disease of rich oils, as near 1 linenof the spoon of the tea (lin) or the fish they lubricate or the canola of 2spoons of the table (rabina).  Few sources are mustardhydrogenated oil of the soybean **, wheatgerm, linseed, nut, green veggies of the leaf (surprise), and of course fished greasy - and really not much.


heart-disease The bad news: common oils with on 50% of the Omega-6 poly- unsaturate linoleic can be harmful (soybean, maize, sunflower, safflower and seed of cotton) like all [ transport]hydrogenated oil (the vegetalshortening' , deeply fries oils or mantequilla of buffalo, the foam ring and 90% of margarinas).  the oil of the soybean of **) is a sword sharpened double according to the person who the use in the United States went to start off of ago zero 65 years for 31g/day, 10% of daily calories of the average.  The soybean is the main source of excessive fats transports and Omega-6 in many countries: it is hidden and it been (scientific poster throughout: heart-disease or heart-disease ).

    These simple foundations must prevent or pospone almost 80% of heart and other serious diseases!  What could be easier that a change of oil to the canola or linen (linseed), far from the maize, sunflower or the oils nonidentified, and some supplements in the end of their greater food.  Dull facilitating in carbs highly refined, the following step, is not that easy like, every year, the American means eat its weight in added sugars, 650 calories per day.

Aside from lowered foods, the worn out grains in a dust (flour and most of breakfast cereals) or the starched potatoes (under-fiber, carbs quickly absorbed) maintain to him hungry and tensionan their system of the insulin, promoting excess of weight and the diabetes of the adult.  Here, the high insulin plus the high equipment of the sugar of blood until reduces the circulation of the blood and promotes cardiac disease.
All the disease has nutritional connections.  There is no doubt that all the Omega-3 lubricates (the inhibitors of COX of the nature) lowest attacks of the heart and doubles its occasions of the survival whereas Vioxx and Bextra raise risk, like Treacherousthey /naproxen and Celebrex.  Omega-3's of fish has antiinflammatory effects and helps to disease of arthritis and the intestine.  Porqué not to consider if such condition can be bound to products of a point under such oils.  This site will help to think him throughout those lines.

Good multi is an essential group of the food of calorie zero, ounce of the prevention and nutritional Asiento-Correa.  There is demonstration of the no investigation that to avoid vitamins him makes healthier and is the only easy change of the life form that you can make.  This Web site can not do smoke less to him, to walk or to revolutionize its diet but these ideas more is simple and advantages main.

    This Web site takes of the no-tan-mal cholesterol via fats and vitamins to him to the most flavorful foods; [ is a free book of 85 pages in pdf free acrobat of the necessities ] without ' the pdf of the page of colesterol'.  Home Page only.  The following page has the essential but it visits the last page (pdf).  This site is for its health and well-being so its entrance is appraised.

C27·H45·Oh - the HIGH CHOLESTEROL , an advantage of the survival before refined foods and you would have to eat 20 eggs to absorb what you do every day.  The famous study of Framingham found the thought clear of the aid of the high levels whereas the levels that diminish after age 50 predict more deaths of the cardiac disease!

The pills of the cholesterol , statins have taste of Lipitor , Zocor , Pravachol , Lescol , Mevacor or Crestor , fibrates and niacin (vitamin B3 mega) (of the assassin) it has indirect effect (good, bad and stranger) that eclipse those of the cholesterol.  The studies demonstrate that that to lower the cholesterol with statins, fibrates or oils Omega-6 (not niacin or fiber) promotes the cancer [ the general effects and seniors ].

Statins cut the cholesterol, more cut at the most to energy to the nerves, muscle and heart lowering CoQ10, ' acid of antirust battery ' and (' catalytic converter ') of each cell.  Here ' s a study with the best cholesterol in the old ' normal ' range of 180-240 (4.6-6.0) - also: 1, 2 and 3ro to the picture passed in this page.  More:, myths of the cholesterol and advantages of the cholesterol.

The interests of the drug and the food create fear of the cholesterol but statins does not work lowering it and they do not save women : BMJ February, JAMA Can, Sept. Of 2004, November Of 2005 of JACC of CMAJ.

More cancer and no survival benefit (±0,1%) in the high risk older European: Lancet 2002 (3 million $3 taken pills).

Later, in 6 years, nobody saved (±0,07%) in this younger group of 5170 Americans.

PS-1 in cardiac unemployment: under more possible 20% for the cholesterol: the index of double mortality !
Test of sTNT of PS-2 Lipitor ' implodes: 5000 patients of the heart by 5 years in cover-dose of magnesium 80 undergo 2 more deaths than patient in magnesium only 10.  In any dose, the same progression of 26 ±1% in calcium of the artery in 12 months anyway!  Lipitor does not save lives in studies.
heart-disease PS-3 outside 1/2 million men of the United States in ' the age first of the attack of corazón', 0,8% superior for the cholesterol [ ~292 (7.5) ] in the absorbent drug of the against-cholesterol by 7,4 years (and 1/8o less "badly compared LDL" with the simulated drug) only no difference in survivors; cuéntelos: 3.  And, oeps: in 65.000 men with 2700 deaths, those with less cholesterol [ underneath 187 (4.8) ] had most of deaths!
heart-disease PS-4 the American university of the cardiology in 2004: "... [ is no evidence for a total advantage of mortality in women of the treatment of dyslipidemia statin ]."  Women: 3 more deaths in Zocor and 2 more events of the heart ' in Lipitor in the great studies (4S, ASCOT).  In excessive age 50 of 24,000 women, those in lower 25% for the cholesterol had the same risk for the death (+60%) like which smoked!

heart-disease   The fever indicates the infection but seating in water of the ice will not kill the microbe!  the 'cholesterol, the insulin, the sugar and the arterial pressure are also indicating, think: excess of carbs of the scrap iron, the microfood deficiency and the artery decline in march.

On homo minimum ' 6 '- cysteine is our better (only) indicating one for the little nutrition, mainly in vitamins of B.  But, desemejante of the cholesterol, homo- cysteine is toxic.  Protein with the cholesterol is a poison pill for our transporters covered (gotitas of LDL), making ' bad really turned ' of the 'cholesterol' - like it transports fat person and the cholesterol oxidized found in foods with the dust of the egg or milk.


  Homo- cysteine on 6 µmol/L [ one to ' modern ' of the diet and not taking multi] is the main reason of the cardiac disease and also of him that works in families.  the Multi-vitamins reduce homo-cysteine radically, the arteries of the subsistence are opened and rarefied and flexible and help to avoid surgeons of the heart.

heart-disease A BMJ study : '..there only continues being. the little conclusive evidence [ sic ] of the effects of total the fat modification, saturated, monkey-not saturated, or poly-unsaturated in [ disease and ] cardiovascular mortality.'  Here ' s a stupefaction cancer of 2006 JAMA and summary of the cardiac disease.  Incidently, the hidrogenación of oils, the foods the possible industrialist refined and the attacks of the heart are something of the 95 last years more [ text for the graph ].  We explored cardiac disease like problem multi recent nutrient of the deficiency, beginning with oils Omega-3, the magnesium, the acid folic and the vitamins B6 and B12.

heart-disease There are diseases of deficiency of the no drug or ' essential diets, only ' the essential foods, the Americans in the prescription mediate $55 of embankment one per month yet.  Most of drugs ' they handle ' to the laboratory-numbers or the symptoms like pain, noncauses by the root; ' not curan'.  This is the reason for which the cholesterol, the sugar and the drugs of the arterial pressure have such difficulty proving that they save lives.  The fat plus the cholesterol, 'atheroma, in arteries does not only happen in wild animals but in human beingsWe are in fact species rare that they do not make its own vitamin C and the only species using cook, ' to refine ' and to the transformation of foods that vertical ray the foods that domesticate homo-cysteine toxic.  Atheroma is to a large extent a bad one gone repair.  This site suggests to prevent injury and to control the repair with ' vitamins of homo-cysteiné, oils Omega-3 and other foods.  Many arteries blocked like Bill Clinton: annual deaths in drugs 1,5% but slightly less drugs with bridge or angioplastia 4.2%.  the deaths Medicine-related in the United States can cheap be 3ro main cause whereas the foods are safe, and.  This old concept of the age is called nutritionalmedicine , naturopathic or to orthomolecular, the equivalent human of the fertilizer and healthy ground for the plants.

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heart-disease Nonlucrative use frees.  Founded on 1998 by Eddie Vos, M. Eng., gorge Sutton (Qc) Canada.  heart-disease  Whereas it is based on present science, the site does not have any answer of the end and it is meant to help to think him more clearly of the nutrition and the health.  In order to find again in Google: if it aligns #2 in health of the heart or #5 in cardiac disease.  Changed of February the 16 of 2006.   Full pdf of the site except the pdf of ' colesterol'.  This pdf of the page (the pdf needs free acrobat). email a heart-disease

Premium of the cholesterol for the doctors and the scientists:


On better simplified theory.  The arteries are a layer of the muscle put in between 2 structural layers.  The B-vitamin deficiency causes to excess of homo- cysteine that unloads its sulfide on the ' cartilage ' of the inner layer ( proteo-glycans of intima), disentangles the colágeno ' cables and ' elastin crumbled
similar to the rubber .  The aids of this ' excess of sulfatación ' catch the cholesterol of LDL, and then calcium , according to in the demonstrated injuries of stage 4 down and where finally the layer of the muscle infiltrates, the meansElastin- the network ' that crumbles ' in the means releases the cells of the muscle that move and ' dys'organize the architecture of the artery.  Elastin crumbled ' amors ' accumulates the cholesterol and calcium.  Homo- cysteine degrades the form and thus works giving connections of sulfide of cysteine in his of always proteins *.  Also it promotes the coagulation and the inflammation (Il-8).  the B-vitamins with vitamin C, receive and zinc prevents such damage and repairs something of him.  Incidently, excess of the sugar (glyoxal) in diabetes damages elastin and the colágeno of a very similar way. 
[ homo-cysteine + theories of the answer-to-LDL-retention: Cvd as ' disease of sulfurated.  *) Analogy: látex liquid is vulcanized in the form of a tire by the connections of sulfide; homo-cysteine degrades such connections of sulfide in our permanent structural proteins ]

' it marinates ' an artery by 5 days in concentrated acid hot and the elastic fine weave is only left!  Homo-cysteine has
the special ways slowly to degrade and ' to disentangle ' this fiber reinforced architecture of elastomer.  Nongood.
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